
Science is a collective project of humanity to understand natural phenomena. Through the scientific method, the use of increasingly precise instruments and scientific collaboration that transcends local borders and expands globally, knowledge is being communally built that will become the future global drivers of society, economics and geopolitics.

In response to this context, the UNI Faculty of Sciences offers undergraduate and graduate programs in specialized areas such as computer science, physics, engineering physics, mathematics and chemistry. These programs, accredited by ABET, are designed with the objective of providing rigorous academic training that enables our graduates to successfully begin their careers in academia and/or industry.

Coupled with the depth of our academic programs, the pioneering research carried out by our faculty allows our undergraduate and graduate students to develop professionally in the context of global competition. Likewise, constant improvements are implemented in academic services, the library, infrastructure, equipment and management, within the framework of the public management regulations of the Peruvian State.

Likewise, the audacity and creativity of our students is channeled through the activities of the student associations that express different interests in topics that cut across our careers, thus enriching the student and academic life of our faculty.

Undergraduate Programs

Computer Science

The Computer Science degree offers solid training in Advanced Computer Technologies that enables you to solve complex problems and design innovative solutions, optimizing processes and data analysis.


The Physics degree provides comprehensive training in the study of the fundamental laws of the universe that will allow you to develop in the areas of optics, theoretical physics, nanomaterials and astronomy, both in academia and industry.

Physics Engineering

The Physics Engineering degree develops solutions to technological problems, integrating engineering and natural sciences.


The mathematics degree trains professionals with critical thinking and research capacity in the field of mathematics.


The Chemistry degree prepares students to address technological problems related to the synthesis of new chemical products, characterization techniques and chemical analysis.