The Tercio Estudiantil (TEC) is the Official Student Representative Body of the Faculty of Sciences of the National University of Engineering in the Faculty Council. Its main communication channel is through the TEC-UNI Facebook account.
Student participation is essential to ensure that the decisions and policies that are implemented reflect the needs and concerns of the student community.
Applicable regulations
Art. 255°.- To be a representative of students in the governing bodies of the university, they must meet the following requirements:
a) Be a regular student with no less than thirty-six (36) approved credits,
b) Belong to the highest cumulative third of academic performance,
c) Having completed the academic period immediately prior to the application at the University,
d) Not having an enforceable judicial conviction for an intentional crime.
Art. 256°.- There is no re-election in any of the governing bodies for the immediately following period.
Art. 257°.- Students may not simultaneously be representatives in more than one of the governing bodies of the university.
Art. 258°.- Student representatives cannot exceed one third of the number of total members of each of the governing bodies.
Source: UNI’s Statute (in spanish)