
The Faculty of Sciences of the National University of Engineering (FC-UNI) is one of the main teaching and research centers in basic sciences in Peru. It is located on the UNI Campus, in the Rímac district of the city of Lima, Peru. Founded on August 6, 1960 with the vision of always being a pioneer in promoting the study and development of science in the country, today it offers undergraduate and/or postgraduate academic programs in the areas of computer sciences. , physics, engineering physics, mathematics and chemistry.

In recent years, our faculty has experienced growth and expansion in its scientific production, consolidating itself as a benchmark in scientific and technological training in the basic sciences, with the largest amount of scientific production in our university, and two research centers. partners: the Institute of Mathematics and Related Sciences (IMCA), which has the collaboration of the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the Center for the Development of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (CEMAT-UNI ).

An essential part of the Faculty of Sciences is its Graduate Section that grants the Degrees of Master of Science with a mention in Physics, Chemistry, Medical Physics, Applied Mathematics, Nuclear Energy, Mathematical Economics and the Degrees of Doctor in Physics, in Mathematics and in Chemistry; as well as the Title of Specialist in Solar Energy (Second Professional Specialization) and in Radiological Protection.

The Faculty of Sciences maintains strategic collaborations with recognized international institutions, among which the following stand out:

  • Uppsala University (Sweden)
  • University of Oulu (Finland)
  • Weizmann Institute (Israel)
  • National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM, Mexico)
  • University of Campinas (UNICAMP, Brazil)
  • Science and Technology for Development (CYTED, Spain)
  • Latin American Center for Physics (CLAF, Brazil)
  • International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Italy)
  • Institute of Mathematics and Related Sciences (IMCA, Peru-Brazil)
  • Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA, Brazil)
  • Institute of Theoretical Physics (Brazil)

Likewise, the different generations of our faculty have maintained their commitment to scientific dissemination and dissemination through different social responsibility activities such as Expociencia, our free experiment fair for schools, and events run by student associations.

The members of this Faculty have assumed the commitment to continue growing, offering human, quality and updated training to our students because we are convinced that investment in Science, Technology and Innovation is the best guarantee of progress for our country.